Salar Sajedi

Salar Sajedi

Post-doctoral research fellow, MGH/HMS
Salar Sajedi, PhD

Dr. Sajedi joined Sabet lab in GCMI at MGH/HMS in April 2018 after receiving his Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences from Tehran University of Medical Sciences. During his M.Sc. and PhD studies, he also served as senior engineer in PNP Co through a joint Academic-Industry program which developed nuclear medicine devices for clinical and preclinical use in Iran. The previous projects are small animal SPECT(HiReSPECT), gamma probe (SURGEOSIGHT), dedicated cardiac SPECT (RoboSPECT), and small animal PET (Xtrim). He is hand-on in gamma ray detection instrumentation and physics and electronic board designs with FPGA and high-speed ADC chips.

His main research area is to investigate new gamma and x-ray detection systems and improve detection and imaging quality by miniature crystal sizes, depth-of-interaction and time-of-flight information, in Brain PET, Cardiac SPECT and intra-operative PET imaging systems.

He is also collaborating with ChoiLab in GCMI on Near Infrared (NIR) Imaging system to develop next generation multimodal intraoperative imaging devices.

Contact Information

149 13th St, Rm#5214
Charlestown, MA