Abhishikth Devabhaktuni

Abhishikth Devabhaktuni

Research Student
Abhishikth Devabhaktuni

I am a Masters student in Data Analytics at Northeastern University. I completed my Bachelors in Computer Science and Engineering from Amrita School of Engineering in India after which I briefly worked as a Machine Learning Engineer. I have completed various projects in Deep Learning and Machine Learning including Metastatic cancer detection using CNNs and detection of Lung diseases from x-rays. I have also created a rainfall prediction system to help farmers in rural areas where regular weather prediction may not be available. My main field of interest is in using Deep Learning for medical applications. In Sabet Lab, I am responsible for GPU computing and Deep Learning.  My main project theme is to migrate light transport simulations to GPU and optimize optical barrier pattenrs in laser processed scintillators with machine learning techniques. 

Contact Information

149 13th St Rm 5222
Charlestown, MA 02129